Ever since we entered the age of smartphones sleep quality around the world has suffered as a result from our heavy smartphone usage. What can we do to improve our sleep habits so that we can be our best selves during the day? Well, a lot of the times we sleep badly because we might have ‘bad sleep hygiene’. We indulge in habits that ruin our sleep without us even realizing it.
Examples of bad sleep hygiene include:
1. Sleeping at irregular times. One night you might go to bed at 10:30pm, the next night you go to sleep at midnight, and then the following night at 11:00pm. We all have a biological clock known in Biology as the ‘circadian rhythm’. When we sleep at random times like this we end up ruining our bodies’ circadian rhythm. That means we won’t feel as refreshed when we wake up since we’re not accustomed to sleeping at a certain time. If you want to ensure a good night of sleep, try to practice sleeping, and wake up at the same time every day.
2. Using gadgets before bed. Electronic devices such as smartphones, computers and tablets emit a kind of light known as ‘blue light’. Scientific studies have shown that blue light can harm your sleep quality since it tricks your brain into thinking that it’s still day time. Stopping device usage at least an hour before bed can help you fall asleep faster by allowing your mind to cool off for a bit.
3. Taking any stimulants before bed. This is a no-brainer really. Coffee? Heck, even eating dark chocolate close before bed may cause you problems since it has small amounts of caffeine in it.
4. Having a sedentary lifestyle. Our bodies require sleep in order to recharge, but if you never use up any energy during the day, then your body won’t have to recharge as much, causing you to wake up unnecessarily during the night.
Sleep deprivation feels like torture. You feel fatigued, your attention span becomes a mess, you might feel depressed or in a bad mood, and you don’t feel like doing much. Getting 8 hours of sleep is essential for leading a happy life. If you are a teenager, then at least 9 hours of sleep is required. Sleep is precious. Try to get the amount of sleep you need in order to perform at your best every day, otherwise you'll turn into a zombie, but instead of being hungry for brains, you'll be hungry for sleep. Believe me, you do not want to reach that point. I've been there, and it's not nice.
Hey man so true what you wrote...we are becoming zombies and our smartphones are our masters
ReplyDeleteSorry for the rather late reply. Yeah, definitely. :/ sometimes I feel like phones should have just stayed as cellphones, rather than evolving into smartphones afterwards. They're really convenient, but man, they can be pretty addictive, especially if your notifications are always on.