If you are someone who grew up with unmet emotional needs, I know how it feels. You feel like no matter where you go, or where you are, you don’t belong. You feel like you are not of this world, and you long to be understood by someone, to feel like somebody truly cares about you. It’s tempting to blame our parents for neglecting our needs, for ignoring us when we needed their hug when we cried. When we needed to be heard when we had a bad day, or when we were praised only when we did something that made our parents look good in front of others, and not for who we were. The sad reality is that, many times, our parents didn’t commit these mistakes with the intention of hurting us. Just like you, they were hurt in their childhood. They raised you the way they did because they didn’t know how else to raise you, because that’s what they’ve learned growing up. Once you are grown up nobody else can fulfill your unmet needs, but unfortunately, because of how movies and television depict romantic relationships, many of us grow up believing the illusion that another person can make us feel complete, and take away all of our sorrows. We can spend a whole life chasing after that illusion that we don’t take the time to realize that only we can make ourselves happy, and that other people can only support that happiness, not create it for us.
Self-care is the first step in filling that hole known as Childhood Emotional Neglect. Self-care includes writing down the personality traits that you admire about yourself. It’s learning to be grateful for things you already have in your life, and it’s spending time doing the things you love, and reminding yourself why you are proud of yourself for indulging in these activities. Once you start learning how to love yourself, happiness, and freedom start to follow shortly after.
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