Here's something I want to you to try out. Pick a piece of paper, and pick five things you're grateful for. After you've thought out what you're grateful for, write down WHY you are grateful for what you have. If you feel jealous when you see that someone has a boyfriend/girlfriend, then think about the kind of love that you already do have in your life, and ask yourself, why am I grateful for having this kind of love in my life? Here's an example:
1. I am grateful for having a roof over my head, since there are other people less fortunate than I am who don't even have a place to keep them safe from the rain.
2. I am grateful for the friends and family that I have, since they are my support system, and not everybody is lucky to have people who care about them the way they do with me.
3. I am grateful for the health that I have, since not a lot of people are lucky to be this healthy.
Gratitude is the antidote to envy, and it's also one of the keys to fulfillment in life. By expressing gratitude you fill in a hole in your heart that begs you to look for fulfillment outside of yourself by either encouraging you to be materialistic or seeking validation from others.
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